Wednesday, January 28, 2009
UV students at RTC
I brought my class to a court observation at the Regional Trial Court Branch13 of executive Judge Meinardo Paredes. We had a great time talking with suspects, and almost becoming a suspect (joke), observing manners and habits of lawyers and the Judge. It is prayed for and hoped that students will get a boost of enthusiasm and love for legal gobbledegook.
There were 15 mutants err students in attendance. It truly was an unforgettable experience, actually its my first time bringing students to observe court trials. My last court observation was eons ago for the trial of a priest who 'ran over' my sisters foot; which fortunately is still well.
That trip was made possible by the following:
Mr. Nelson Sungahid, the clerk of court of Branch 13;who is a product of U.V. and was once a working student. It's remarkable how U.V. changed the lives of people.
Mr. Jayson, Merson who was kind enough to lend us the fantastic vehicle and offered to drive us to court and back to school. I have no doubt that you have the testicular fortitude to go where your dreams want you to do.
Dean Estrella Navarro
For trusting this 'gifted-child,' who O.D.'d on Promil Milk, to teach students a thing or two about life, law and the hangups of living.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The morality of blogging
I have been reading and cross checking various blogs.
I realized that people had a chance to see over a person's thoughts and minds through a blog.
Sometimes, bloggers write their feelings in it.
Sometimes, people don't get their feelings.
Sometimes, they are misunderstood
Often time, it would lead to a misunderstanding.
I understand I might have unconsciously offended people through this blog.
I could have posted their test papers or their pictures but I choose not to.
I am reminded of the Diary nature of blogs. Blogs are always a diary, nothing more nothing less. If by what I have written, I could have hurt people. I apologize.
I realized that people had a chance to see over a person's thoughts and minds through a blog.
Sometimes, bloggers write their feelings in it.
Sometimes, people don't get their feelings.
Sometimes, they are misunderstood
Often time, it would lead to a misunderstanding.
I understand I might have unconsciously offended people through this blog.
I could have posted their test papers or their pictures but I choose not to.
I am reminded of the Diary nature of blogs. Blogs are always a diary, nothing more nothing less. If by what I have written, I could have hurt people. I apologize.
Cheaters go to hell.

- In brightest day, in blackest night,
- No evil shall escape my sight
- Let those who worship evil's might,
- Beware my power...Green Lantern's light!
I was checking the test papers of my taxation 3:30-5pm TTh class.
I actually read their answers. I finished checking one test paper and gave it a score of 2.0+ but then after 3 more test papers I chanced upon the same answer. I juxtaposed both test papers and realized that both were exact photo copies of each other save for an occasional error in spelling. It breaks my heart!
I gave them the guide questions so that they would be able to prepare, review and study the questions that will may come out in the exam. Not to have them abuse it for questionable methods.
Am I happy that I failed them in the midterm?
Is it a Vendetta?
Am I the Punisher?
The answers to these, questions posted, are in the negative. In this 2nd Semester, this is the second time this happened and I am seriously thinking about changing my style of giving my students a guide questions for the exam; maybe I should just give them the coverage. As always I harbor no ill will towards them, I can only sigh out of exasperation, perspiration, and expiration.
I will guide them and let them see the errors of their ways.
I should try to experiment for the semi-final ... Change is a good thing, I hope.
Random Drug testing for college professors
The ChEd, according to inquirer, is set to implement random drug testing in various colleges. Those found with substance abuse are to be admitted to a rehab program and/or prohibited to teach.
IMHO it is a nice practice on a piece of paper but in reality it would be troublesome for the following factors:
1. the most common drug testing is by urine sample
3. Random Urine testing can not detect recent use of drugs, it can only detect drugs used as long as five days.
I know of a teacher, from another university, who used drugs but then again, who am I to judge. People change, habits change with the grace of God. I am afraid of a totalitarian government, one where we have no freedom; a place where we give up freedom for safety, convenience and economic standing.
This is the voice of Fate - V for Vendetta
IMHO it is a nice practice on a piece of paper but in reality it would be troublesome for the following factors:
1. the most common drug testing is by urine sample
- My nursing students should know that this procedure is a bit trouble some as a person who uses prescription drugs on a maintenance basis has the possibility of producing a FALSE positive result, any chemist can list down this drugs which may trigger false positive results but I am no chemist. When this happens, without any due process, a person can be immediately labeled as a Drug addict when in fact he is taking prescription medicines as per advice of his doctor.
3. Random Urine testing can not detect recent use of drugs, it can only detect drugs used as long as five days.
I know of a teacher, from another university, who used drugs but then again, who am I to judge. People change, habits change with the grace of God. I am afraid of a totalitarian government, one where we have no freedom; a place where we give up freedom for safety, convenience and economic standing.
This is the voice of Fate - V for Vendetta
Friday, January 23, 2009
Iraninan Visayanian Student shot dead
Iranian UV Student shot dead
His necklace and Nokia 91 cellphone was intact but his wallet is missing. Ashkan Aminian will be missed by the UV community although he has never been under me; he was set to graduate this March.
Let us pray for the eternal repose of his soul.
His necklace and Nokia 91 cellphone was intact but his wallet is missing. Ashkan Aminian will be missed by the UV community although he has never been under me; he was set to graduate this March.
Let us pray for the eternal repose of his soul.
Quo Vadis est amore?
As February comes to a close, we celebrate the month of love. Not the love making, never mind the fact that motels / hotels are so full on the 14th. For some odd reasons, I saw these two students (one of which was my student). I offered to take a shot of them, they gamely posed for a 'sweet photo'.
Are they lovers or 'just friends'? those were never my concern. This shot reminds me of a time when I was a young, hormone driven person. Not to say that the parties herein are driven by pheromones. I just find it sweet that a guy can be a good friend to a girl.
I salute them for reminding me of love. Don't you ever believe in the urban myth about couples on a photo together would end up parting ways. As I parting shot, I wonder where is the guys left hand on the picture? What is he touching?
Ah love... thy will be done!
Pit Senyor!

Cebu City
We Celebrated the Sinulog on 17 and 18 of this month. Those dates had me walking from Gen. Maxillom Ave. to Sto Nino Church, yes two straight days of walking to and fro. On my walks, I chanced to see the picture here in.
Amusing that people would do 'cosplay' with the Child Jesus. Imagine the irony of a son of God playing as a bad cop; In this country cops are more likely to be feared than respected. There are some theological similarities since God in the old testament was feared for punishing people who violated his covenant but it all changed with the new testament God became a loving and forgiving God.
The Sto Nino is a child like reflection of our innocence. On that we should never let go in our lives. Children are more likely to follow God, they have the gift of purity. As we celebrate the feast of the birth of Catholicism in the Philippines, let us ponder on the blessing that we have received and be thankful for them.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Philippine Consititution, anyone?
A lot of students have been asking me where they can score a copy of the Philippine Constitution for free. I scoffed at the idea of my student asking me to post it on my blog. I contemplated on the idea and found some merit to it.
One must have the following when downloading the Philippine Constitution:
A computer
Internet connection (you can save the file to a usb flash disk)
Adobe reader (I suggest you google foxit reader as the file is smaller)
at least 45pages of bond paper short size.
If you have all of those then feel free to download it it here
One must have the following when downloading the Philippine Constitution:
A computer
Internet connection (you can save the file to a usb flash disk)
Adobe reader (I suggest you google foxit reader as the file is smaller)
at least 45pages of bond paper short size.
If you have all of those then feel free to download it it here
Thursday, January 08, 2009
A relaxing class
I gave an oral exam for my Philippine constitution class at Gullas Medical School in Banilad, Cebu City. I find it amusing that students are so relaxed with the class that even if they had finished their turn for the oral exam, they would stay to listen to the answers of their classmates and have a fun time laughing either at my antics or one of the students.
Here is a stolen photo of a student relaxing at my class. I showed his picture to the entire class and to himself. We had a great time laughing, I told him I would post his picture on the net. For some odd reasons, I forget his name.
The coverage was Articles 4-5 of the 1987 Phil. Constitution. I am very blessed to have such a class that you can practically smell their enthusiasm for attending my class. I can only hope and pray that it would be a unforgettable and enjoyable experience for them; that would be my living legacy for all. We are just passing in this world, if by some chance I can be remembered then I can consider myself to have fulfilled my mission: to be able to touch the lives of people and make a difference in their life.
It is in unguarded moments, like in the photo, that makes teaching a worthwhile profession for me.
I thank each and everyone of them from the deepts of my heart for making teaching a fun experience for me, for reminding me that all of us are kids at heart.
Sick Science
Science has a sick sense of humor at times!
I just accompanied my Grandma, who is an octogenarian, to visit her gastro endocrinologist for her annual check-up. Tomorrow she will get her annual endoscopy. Like most procedures it would require a cathartic prior to the endoscopy.
I find it funny that someone would have to ram something up someone's asshole. I find it so amusing that I asked myself if gays or lesbians would have a field day following the instructions to such a sick medicine. Maybe I should try one on but then again. I shudder at the thought of it.
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