Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things

In the afternoon, I had my Logic class see "The Shawshank Redemption"; a film based on a short story by Stephen King. It was fun to share a piece of my favorite movie; I did the same to a summer class last year. The result is always the same, they would say it is the best film they have ever seen despite the film being dated or old; I am not sure if some of them cried when a crucial character died, but it is safe to say that majority of them were teary eyed.

A student would always end up borrowing my original DVD copy of the said film, to share the experience with their family. Granted not all of the students were present, some may have even skipped class but those who decided to stay saw an emotionally gripping tale of the human will.

I just hope they learned a thing or two about hope and the power of positivity. Its a sad note that Shawshank lost to Forrest Gump in the oscars but Shawshank had a cult following and enjoyed fan support on DVD. Do the film a favor and buy it whenever possible.

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